
Re: Engineer Turns Added or Reduced (Article 11)

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Article 11 Section U of the 2007 on property addresses the addition and reduction of engineer turns. Through correspondence with our General Chair it has been determined that assigning turns based on advanced calling time applies to all turns returning from work rest cycles. This process has always held true in other work/rest cycles. The practice will apply to 10/5 pool turns as 10/5 is a work rest cycle pool also.

U. To standardize pool adjustments for mileage regulation and weekly extra board adjustments with vacation vacancy fill, all pool and extra board adjustments shall occur to be effective on Mondays at 0900. Turns added to pools or extra boards will be assigned based on advance calling time for the Terminal to which assigned and new or vacated turns will be filled pursuant to Section K at that time. Turns reduced from pools or extra boards during board adjustments will be based on the advance calling time for the involved boards and the notification process described in Section I will begin at that time for engineers assigned to reduced turns or abolished assignments.

Section U, Q1 -Where Local Chairmen calculate mileage adjustments, when will the Local Chairmen be required to notify Crew of the appropriate Monday adjustments?

Section U, 1 - Pool adjustments due to regulation must be provided to Crew in advance of the calling time for the involved assignments?

Turns in the 10/5 pool will spike their board placement time at 07:30 hours as per application of Article 11 Section "U".

Fraternally yours,